2010年3月29日 星期一

The Image

人外在的形象, 到底會對自我產生多大的影響?
前兩天, 看了老公隨手拍的我的家居照, 簡直快要昏倒了, 不看不曉得, 還以為自己身材沒有變形的太厲害, 但其實, 歲月及生活不勤奮的我, 已經對我的身材造成許多不良的後果。
以前年輕的時候, 苗條的身材, 確實可以為我的自信及在人前的架勢加上不少的分數, 但現在當上了媽媽, 愈來愈不在乎這些東西, 是不是對自我的標準也相形的降低了呢?
可以確定的是, 如果我現有仍能擁有年輕時的苗條身材, 至少在我每天照鏡子要出門的時候, 可以自我催眠一下, 給自己一個很好的武 (偽) 裝哪~


I feel very sad today. Sad for my life style, sad for what I have done.
I am longing for a meaningful, passionate life.
I know I am not reasonable, but I am just so so sad today.

Once in a while I was getting into an emotion that I can't bare to stay in the office anymore. I got this kind of urge to run away from work, from office, from the annoying people and stuffs.
TODAY is the day. But I still in the office now, putting up with my Boss and the meaningless things I need to do.



