What is King?
有人說 "Content is the King",
也有人說 "Data is the Intel Inside"
I believe those are true, but are those the only valuable things to me?
What do I think? Once I wish I can be someone that full of knowledge and wisdom. I can't deny I still wish I am. However, I am far from that.
追根究底,我是在追求讓自己變成有價值的 "Items",換另一種說法是,我的”獲利模式”是什麼?現今的社會,你要過得自由自在,就得讓自己有優於他人的優勢,個人如此,企業如此,國家也是如此,沒有任何優勢,就得付出更多的時間或是勞力來換取平穩的生活,I do believe so.
So, what make me be a valuable person and keep me free?
- 擁有傲人的專業能力?-->技術能力-->Hard way, 需要時間與精力的累積
- 思緒、分析比別人強?-->思考、創新能力-->出類拔萃不易,但一旦抓到訣竅,最易累積財富。
- 資源多?-->財力、人際網